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Dia de la Constitucion – the day of the Constitution

The dental clinic is closed both Monday 7th of December and Tuesday 8th of December. Dia de la Constitución, the day of the constitution, is normally celebrated on December 6th, but since this year it is on a Sunday, the holiday is changed to the following day throughout Spain. We celebrate  that the current constitution was adopted in a referendum that took place in 1978.

December 8th is the Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María and it is also a national holiday in Spain.

Christmas is approaching and we welcome all our patients for a check-up before the holidays.

Take good care of yourself in these different times and enjoy these couple of days.

Merry X-mas and Happy New Year!

Merry X-mas and Happy New Year!
Clinica Dental Noruega wishes you a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year.
We will close during Christmas Eve (24/12), Christmas Day (25/12), New Year’s Eve (31/12), New Year’s Day (1/1) and Reyes (6/1). The remaining days we keep open as usual.
Catharina, Jessica, Elsa, Sofia, Diana, Per and the reindeer.